About this blog

Hi Dear Reader!

Welcome to Blog on Security, a blog dedicated to the sharing of great ideas for lean cybersecurity teams!

Awesome - you may say - but what does that mean exactly? How is this cybersecurity blog different from any of the others out there?

The goal of this blog is to share ideas that cybersecurity teams can put to use immediately, generally at no extra cost. To achieve this goal, Blog on Security (BoS) offers a couple of unique things:

  • Experience-driven: the content of this blog originates from experience acquired directly in the field. The aim is to consistently share tradecraft and solutions that are quick and easy to implement, starting from the assumption that most cybersecurity teams do not have infinite time, resources or money. If you lead a lean cybersecurity team or are interested in learning about quick wins, then this blog is for you.
  • Detailed and actionable articles: BoS posts package ideas within atomic, self-contained articles that take you from idea inception down to implementation. The goal is to make each article a complete guide that ultimately ends with a deliverable (typically downloadable content such as cheatsheets, spreadsheets, scripts or templates) that you can take and rapidly integrate within your cybersecurity practice.
  • Series-based articles: Each post, although atomic and self-contained, never exists in isolation and is typically part of a much wider series. Topics that BoS seeks to cover include ISMS development, using AI tooling, effective security leadership and reporting, security automation and much, much more. By subscribing to the blog, you’ll receive monthly series articles directly in your inbox.
  • Lightweight, ultra-digestible format: although BoS articles can be quite lengthy (typical reading time is ~15 minutes), the content is packaged in a lightweight, clean and decluttered format. Using the power of goHugo and AWS Amplify, BoS content loads and downloads quickly. Additionally, each article always comes with a summary right at the top, helping you decide whether specific articles are worth your time or not.

By reading this blog, you’ll enjoy a de-bloated and enriching reading experience. No subscription is (and will ever be) required. Occasionally, BoS articles will come with downloadable content for purchase. These deliverables will always contain high-quality content that took time to be created and can be put to immediate use in the field. Additionally, referrals may be used in some situations. However, the BoS team will always recommend products or other blogs only when it truly believes in their value or when they have been personally used in the field. Paid content will be maintained over time and, alongside referrals, will help ensure the BoS team can keep the lights running.

Welcome aboard and happy reading! It’s great to have you!